Take the positive path.
Choosing the positive path can be easy at some times in our life and more difficult at other times. When everything is going along well, when we are on a roll, choosing the positive path just flows through us as an easy, natural choice.
When something negative comes along it can be far more challenging for us to choose the positive path. But choose it we must! No matter how challenging the negativity may be, there is simply no other way to bring our lives back into positivity.
If negative situations appear, you must use your will and refuse to lower yourself to negative thoughts, words, actions, and emotions. Use your will and decide that not only will you focus on the positive, but you will ramp up the positive in every thought, word, and action of your day.
It takes determination, strength, faith, and the power of your will to focus on the positive when intense negativity descends, but remember that the Universe and the law of attraction are with you. As you focus on the positive, focus more on the positive, think of the positive, speak of the positive, and take positive and good actions, the law of attraction will give your life wings.
Suddenly you will look around you and you will find that the negativity has gone, and that your life has been filled with goodness and joy.
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
"Cheer Up love, it might never happen!"
Being happy and staying happy isn't up to your genetic makeup or the hand life deals you, according to a 'happiness researcher' called Sonja Lyubomirsky from the University of California, Riverside, who told an audience at the American Psychological Association that people can add to their capacity for happiness through techniques that can be learned to boost their joy.
Lyubomirsky, a psychologist and author of the 2007 book The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want, offered some of her happiness insights to a crowded room of psychologists who deal with miserable people all the time.
She said that the genetically determined " happiness set point" only accounts for about half of someone's happiness and 10% can be attributed to life situations. The rest — a great big 40% — we can do something about.
Studies Lyubomirsky has conducted using certain interventions in which people express gratitude and optimism are among those that do appear to make a difference and increase happiness, she says. So be thankful, and stay Relentlessly Positive...and see the difference it makes!
Being happy and staying happy isn't up to your genetic makeup or the hand life deals you, according to a 'happiness researcher' called Sonja Lyubomirsky from the University of California, Riverside, who told an audience at the American Psychological Association that people can add to their capacity for happiness through techniques that can be learned to boost their joy.
Lyubomirsky, a psychologist and author of the 2007 book The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want, offered some of her happiness insights to a crowded room of psychologists who deal with miserable people all the time.
She said that the genetically determined " happiness set point" only accounts for about half of someone's happiness and 10% can be attributed to life situations. The rest — a great big 40% — we can do something about.
Studies Lyubomirsky has conducted using certain interventions in which people express gratitude and optimism are among those that do appear to make a difference and increase happiness, she says. So be thankful, and stay Relentlessly Positive...and see the difference it makes!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Secret....making a big dream come true...
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
How can you make a big dream come true?
How can you make a big dream come true?
You need to have one secret element, and when you have that secret element, nothing will get in your way. That element is an intense desire! You must desire something with all of your heart to manifest it. Often the difference between those who manifest something and those who do not, is the element of desire. When you have a burning desire for something you ignite a fire within you that attracts with an incredible force. The law of attraction is magnetically drawn to that intense fire element in you, and it responds by gathering all universal forces to make your dream come true.
Very often we ask for things because we think our life will be better with those things, but inside of us we do not have an immense desire for those things. When you don't feel that immense desire within you, you are receiving guidance telling you that this is not something you really want. That is why it is so important to get clear on what it is that you really want with all of your heart, because what you really want with all of your heart is the very desire that you can manifest quickly.
When your heart is on fire with desire you will attract the right things to do, you will find visualizing so easy, and you will find it is effortless to think positive thoughts of your desire. You will attract all the qualities you need, such as strength, courage, belief, persistence, faith, and a powerful will. An intense desire lights up your being, producing a magnetic force that enables the law of attraction to cut through every physical obstacle for you and make your dream come true.
Go for your dreams! Don't cheat yourself in your life with petty desires because you don't think you can live your dream. THE DREAM inside you is the one thing that you have the greatest power to create, because you have an immense desire for it. Find the dream inside you - and make it come true!
Go for your dreams! Don't cheat yourself in your life with petty desires because you don't think you can live your dream. THE DREAM inside you is the one thing that you have the greatest power to create, because you have an immense desire for it. Find the dream inside you - and make it come true!
Here is the story of an 18-year-old girl - her dream - and her intense desire to make her dream come true...
Read on.....
Thursday, July 10, 2008

From the Chichester Observer on Thursday 10th July:
"If the credit crunch and the state of the world in general is getting you down, may I suggest you visit a website I recently stumbled upon in the course of research for a radio show?The site in question is www.relentlessly-positive.com and is exactly that and offers a chipper boost when your spirit needs it. Go on, get on line and think positive."
Monday, June 30, 2008
Caroline's Campaign...
Watch out for an event called ‘Caroline's Campaign’ - which is going on all over the UK with Caroline Monk (AKA Monkey) and Toni & Guy Salons.
In 2004, Caroline was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the central aim of ‘Caroline's Campaign’ is to provide make over sessions for women currently going through chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Cancer treatments can really take a toll and Caroline wants to offer an experience designed solely to elevate and boost women’s self-confidence. Her next stop is Manchester on 15th July 2008 and then she's going to be putting in an appearance at every major city. Caroline wants women with cancer to look and feel as beautiful as they always were and always will be, and her fantastic team will make sure that all before and after effects are amazing.
Check out: http://www.carolinescampaign.org.uk/ for more information
Watch out for an event called ‘Caroline's Campaign’ - which is going on all over the UK with Caroline Monk (AKA Monkey) and Toni & Guy Salons.
In 2004, Caroline was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the central aim of ‘Caroline's Campaign’ is to provide make over sessions for women currently going through chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Cancer treatments can really take a toll and Caroline wants to offer an experience designed solely to elevate and boost women’s self-confidence. Her next stop is Manchester on 15th July 2008 and then she's going to be putting in an appearance at every major city. Caroline wants women with cancer to look and feel as beautiful as they always were and always will be, and her fantastic team will make sure that all before and after effects are amazing.
Check out: http://www.carolinescampaign.org.uk/ for more information
Friday, June 27, 2008
Gimme Some Peace!!!
The Big Peace Live Event
Announcing A FREE LIVE 30 Day Coaching Program..
1. I am already successful but really unfulfilled
2. I get what I want only to feel disillusioned & itchy for more, more, more
3. I'm constantly exhausted by trying too hard
4. I'm constantly anxious
5. I'm always on some kind of self-improvement program
6. I'm a perfectionist
7. I'm a people pleaser
8. I'll be happier when I lose more weight
9. I'm afraid they will see me as a fraud
10. I know what to do, I'm just waiting for the right time
The Big Peace Live is a FREE 30 Day Coaching Program - based on the phenomenally successful 90 day email programme featured in the Sunday Times. (www.thebigpeace.com) The Big Peace Live will be delivered by video, email, and audio Mp3 recordings with experts, gurus and coaching from Suzy Greaves.It is a down to earth, practical coaching program to take you from wherever you are right now and get you focused on where you want to get to and actually enjoy the journey.
If you want to know when it's all happening and how you can be a part of this fantastic, free coaching...check out the website:
And then read Suzy's blog
Get ready to be inspired!
The Big Peace Live Event
Announcing A FREE LIVE 30 Day Coaching Program..
1. I am already successful but really unfulfilled
2. I get what I want only to feel disillusioned & itchy for more, more, more
3. I'm constantly exhausted by trying too hard
4. I'm constantly anxious
5. I'm always on some kind of self-improvement program
6. I'm a perfectionist
7. I'm a people pleaser
8. I'll be happier when I lose more weight
9. I'm afraid they will see me as a fraud
10. I know what to do, I'm just waiting for the right time
The Big Peace Live is a FREE 30 Day Coaching Program - based on the phenomenally successful 90 day email programme featured in the Sunday Times. (www.thebigpeace.com) The Big Peace Live will be delivered by video, email, and audio Mp3 recordings with experts, gurus and coaching from Suzy Greaves.It is a down to earth, practical coaching program to take you from wherever you are right now and get you focused on where you want to get to and actually enjoy the journey.
If you want to know when it's all happening and how you can be a part of this fantastic, free coaching...check out the website:
And then read Suzy's blog
Get ready to be inspired!
Monday, June 16, 2008
If you've never received an email from someone in Nigeria looking to transfer millions of dollars into your bank account, or from a bank you don't have an account with telling you that you've had your online security access denied AGAIN...
...then either you are very lucky or you don't actually have an email address. This site should redress the balance or at least make you feel better...it's dedicated to getting back at scammers!!
Scam Baiting:
"Even if you are a newcomer, much fun can be had and at the same time you will be doing a public service. If you are new to this game and need to know what scambaiting is all about, please click on the 419 FAQ link at the top of the page. See also Baiting Tips for information on getting started on this great cyber-sport..."
...then either you are very lucky or you don't actually have an email address. This site should redress the balance or at least make you feel better...it's dedicated to getting back at scammers!!
Scam Baiting:
"Even if you are a newcomer, much fun can be had and at the same time you will be doing a public service. If you are new to this game and need to know what scambaiting is all about, please click on the 419 FAQ link at the top of the page. See also Baiting Tips for information on getting started on this great cyber-sport..."
Friday, May 16, 2008
A project in India is trying to make it possible for traditional communities to learn to live alongside tigers in an internationally recognised reserve.
The Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, is the Indian tiger’s natural habitat. It was designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1980. Over the last 30 years, the growth in human population has put pressure on the area’s deciduous forest, causing the tiger count to plummet and when poachers claimed the lives of 22 tigers, only one breeding male was left.
Recognising the urgent need to tackle the root causes of poaching, as well as reducing the villagers’ dependency on the forests for fuel, Dr Goverdhan Rathore set up the Prakratik Society.
The Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, is the Indian tiger’s natural habitat. It was designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1980. Over the last 30 years, the growth in human population has put pressure on the area’s deciduous forest, causing the tiger count to plummet and when poachers claimed the lives of 22 tigers, only one breeding male was left.
Recognising the urgent need to tackle the root causes of poaching, as well as reducing the villagers’ dependency on the forests for fuel, Dr Goverdhan Rathore set up the Prakratik Society.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Grammy-nominated violinist has been reunited with a £2million violin he left in the back of a cab.
Grammy-nominated violinist Philippe Quint got out of a cab at New York City's Battery Park early Monday, leaving the 1723 Antonio Stradivari "Ex-Keisewetter" inside. The violin spent the remainder of the night on the seat of the cab, which owner Mohamed Khalil parked on a Newark street.
By the morning, he was still unaware of what he was carrying.
By then, the frantic Quint was calling the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and Newark's Taxi Commission, which put the word out that the violin was missing.
Monday afternoon, Khalil checked his taxi while at Newark Liberty International Airport and discovered the violin case with the instrument inside.
Quint soon arrived, dropped to his knees and shed tears of joy.
I'm not surprised!
Grammy-nominated violinist Philippe Quint got out of a cab at New York City's Battery Park early Monday, leaving the 1723 Antonio Stradivari "Ex-Keisewetter" inside. The violin spent the remainder of the night on the seat of the cab, which owner Mohamed Khalil parked on a Newark street.
By the morning, he was still unaware of what he was carrying.
By then, the frantic Quint was calling the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and Newark's Taxi Commission, which put the word out that the violin was missing.
Monday afternoon, Khalil checked his taxi while at Newark Liberty International Airport and discovered the violin case with the instrument inside.
Quint soon arrived, dropped to his knees and shed tears of joy.
I'm not surprised!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Good old Christopher Biggins is among the celebs supporting a national campaign to raise money for the development of a new treatment for veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The campaign has been launched by social inclusion charity P3 to raise money to fund the development of a new treatment for combat related PTSD, which in pilot tests delivered an 80% success rate within the first 28 days.
Ex-RAF Officer Steve Bradbury has taken on the challenge to run the London Marathon this week and he hopes to raise the first milestone of £64,000 for P3. This money is needed to complete the final development of the treatment programme and enable P3 to prepare for a larger pilot scheme, which will be independently assessed.
This unique new treatment delivers a six month programme involving 28 days of PTSD Recovery Training followed by five months of social rehabilitation which may include re-housing for homelessness, drug and alcohol rehab and other social inclusion programmes.
The ‘Once is enough’ campaign is supported by ‘King of the Jungle’ Christopher Biggins, ex SAS and TV personalities Bear Grylls and Major Ken Hames (Ken has suffered for many years with PTSD) and Britain’s first female fast jet pilot Jo Salter
Sponsoring Steve Bradbury at the London Marathon is something that everyone can do to make a real difference to those servicemen and women who are affected by the nightmare of PTSD,” adds Christopher Biggins.For more information on the ‘Once is enough’ campaign visit http://www.knuckledownforheroes.com/ or to sponsor Steve Bradley at the forthcoming London Marathon, visit http://www.justgiving.com/ / SteveBradbury
The campaign has been launched by social inclusion charity P3 to raise money to fund the development of a new treatment for combat related PTSD, which in pilot tests delivered an 80% success rate within the first 28 days.
Ex-RAF Officer Steve Bradbury has taken on the challenge to run the London Marathon this week and he hopes to raise the first milestone of £64,000 for P3. This money is needed to complete the final development of the treatment programme and enable P3 to prepare for a larger pilot scheme, which will be independently assessed.
This unique new treatment delivers a six month programme involving 28 days of PTSD Recovery Training followed by five months of social rehabilitation which may include re-housing for homelessness, drug and alcohol rehab and other social inclusion programmes.
The ‘Once is enough’ campaign is supported by ‘King of the Jungle’ Christopher Biggins, ex SAS and TV personalities Bear Grylls and Major Ken Hames (Ken has suffered for many years with PTSD) and Britain’s first female fast jet pilot Jo Salter
Sponsoring Steve Bradbury at the London Marathon is something that everyone can do to make a real difference to those servicemen and women who are affected by the nightmare of PTSD,” adds Christopher Biggins.For more information on the ‘Once is enough’ campaign visit http://www.knuckledownforheroes.com/ or to sponsor Steve Bradley at the forthcoming London Marathon, visit http://www.justgiving.com/ / SteveBradbury
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wrong number leads to an engaged Tone!!
Tyneside man Anthony Hubbocks sent a flirty text to a wrong number - and ended up engaged to a Welsh woman.
Michelle Morris mistakenly thought his message was from a male friend of her own and fired off a cheeky reply, reported the Daily Mirror.
The pair then talked on the phone and got on so well that he soon moved down into her home in Cym, Ebbw Vale, with her two kids Darcee, three, and Levi, eight - and they are now engaged to be married.
Dad-of-two Anthony, 29, an electrician from Gateshead, said: "I sent a message to a lass I know.
"It got to Wales, though - where Michelle thought it was from a pal of hers."
Michelle, 33, a catering manager, laughed: "We exchanged photos and when I asked him if I could visit, he almost choked on his toothbrush.
"But I had been having a really hard week at work and my friends all told me to just go for it."
Monday, March 17, 2008

How can you resist...£1 off Baileys Flavours this Easter!
Baileys Flavours has been voted product of the year 2008 in the Alcoholic Drinks category* by consumers and they are celebrating by giving you £1 off a bottle of Baileys with a hint of Mint Chocolate or Crème Caramel!
All you have to do is join the Bailey's Lounge to be added to their promotions list...and they will send you a coupon...plus all the other special offers as they come up, before they hit the shops.
So if you're a Bailey's afficionado...click here
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Keep your soul healthy!
Mintel figures show that in 2007 British consumers spent £191 million on complementary medicine and there is no doubt that many people want to find natural alternatives to prescription drugs.
www.healthysoul.co.uk is a comprehensive website written by health journalist Frances Ive. Healthy Soul has hundreds of pages giving information about nutrition, complementary therapies, weight loss, women’s health - from infertility to pregnancy and PMS to menopause, back pain, and children’s and pets’ health.
The aim of the website is to enable people to become more responsible for their wellbeing so that they are less likely to become ill. Where Healthy Soul cannot provide the answers, it can point visitors to websites and other information sources that can help them. Every month there’s a competition offering spa days, tickets to health exhibitions or natural health cosmetics.
And the website keeps users up to date with latest developments, such as the recent research on anti-depressants.
Mintel figures show that in 2007 British consumers spent £191 million on complementary medicine and there is no doubt that many people want to find natural alternatives to prescription drugs.
www.healthysoul.co.uk is a comprehensive website written by health journalist Frances Ive. Healthy Soul has hundreds of pages giving information about nutrition, complementary therapies, weight loss, women’s health - from infertility to pregnancy and PMS to menopause, back pain, and children’s and pets’ health.
The aim of the website is to enable people to become more responsible for their wellbeing so that they are less likely to become ill. Where Healthy Soul cannot provide the answers, it can point visitors to websites and other information sources that can help them. Every month there’s a competition offering spa days, tickets to health exhibitions or natural health cosmetics.
And the website keeps users up to date with latest developments, such as the recent research on anti-depressants.
Monday, March 03, 2008
When will I be famous?
If you always dreamed of a career in the world of cinema, then this is for you. Castings are currently under way for a film that will be shot in English and is based on RPG videogames
As the story asks for different actors coming from all around the world and the company has no budget to travel in order to cast for actors, they decided to make use of the Internet. If you are intrigued and motivated by this challenge then try out for a part in the film.
All you need to do is select a character you would like to play (and who you physically resemble), film yourself playing the part given by us and upload the video onto the server. The filmmakers will then decide which of you will be invited to do a final casting test in Portugal, where they will choose actors who will play in the movie.
Remember, it does not matter where you are from or what previous experiences you have, you must only believe you can play the part you choose and that you can do it in English. Everyone is welcome to participate in the online casting for RPG.
If you always dreamed of a career in the world of cinema, then this is for you. Castings are currently under way for a film that will be shot in English and is based on RPG videogames
As the story asks for different actors coming from all around the world and the company has no budget to travel in order to cast for actors, they decided to make use of the Internet. If you are intrigued and motivated by this challenge then try out for a part in the film.
All you need to do is select a character you would like to play (and who you physically resemble), film yourself playing the part given by us and upload the video onto the server. The filmmakers will then decide which of you will be invited to do a final casting test in Portugal, where they will choose actors who will play in the movie.
Remember, it does not matter where you are from or what previous experiences you have, you must only believe you can play the part you choose and that you can do it in English. Everyone is welcome to participate in the online casting for RPG.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Mother's Day...
Make your mother’s day with an alternative gift from Cancer Research UK.
They have a brilliant range of thoughtful and unusual gifts - a great alternative to samey flowers or chocolates. If you buy a gift from Cancer Research UK, you could also be helping to fund research into breast cancer or buy essential lab equipment for our scientists. Which has to be good, doesn't it?
The choice of gifts ranges from £6 to £600, so there's got to be something there that will make your Mum smile on March 2nd.
They also have a great range of eCards. so if you’re worried about getting a card to your Mum in time or just want to save paper, why not personalise one of those instead - You can even upload a photo of the two of you.
By donating the money you would have spent on a paper card you will be helping to beat cancer.
Meanwhile...also for Cancer Research...I'm still looking for sponsors!
Make your mother’s day with an alternative gift from Cancer Research UK.
They have a brilliant range of thoughtful and unusual gifts - a great alternative to samey flowers or chocolates. If you buy a gift from Cancer Research UK, you could also be helping to fund research into breast cancer or buy essential lab equipment for our scientists. Which has to be good, doesn't it?
The choice of gifts ranges from £6 to £600, so there's got to be something there that will make your Mum smile on March 2nd.
They also have a great range of eCards. so if you’re worried about getting a card to your Mum in time or just want to save paper, why not personalise one of those instead - You can even upload a photo of the two of you.
By donating the money you would have spent on a paper card you will be helping to beat cancer.
Meanwhile...also for Cancer Research...I'm still looking for sponsors!
Friday, February 15, 2008

Fans of fizzy drinks can now smile in superiority when they sip - Pepsi is about to launch a new 'healthy' cola, made with all-natural ingredients.
Pepsi Raw will use all natural ingredients like apple extract, coffee leaf and sparkling water and apparently contains no artificial preservatives, colours, flavourings or sweeteners. It might not e as fizzy, and it will look a bit different, but it's cola all the same!
'We are really proud that the UK is leading the way with the launch of Pepsi Raw, which is the most significant innovation from Pepsi UK in the last 15 years,' Bruno Gruwez, Pepsi's marketing director, said.
For now, it will only be on sale in those fine examples of healthy living - bars and clubs in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow, Brighton and Liverpool. But if the launch is successful, Pepsi Raw could be rolled out to other areas of the country as early as next year.
Bottoms up!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Get Ethical!
It's Fairtrade Fortnight from 25 Feb–9 March - and to celebrate, you can buy Fairtrade from www.ethicalsuperstore.com
Scrummy products include: Liberation Nuts; an equal mixture of oven-baked peanuts and cashews nuts which come in four varieties; Lemon & Chilli, Lightly Salted, Natural and Smoked. The nuts are oven baked which increases the flavour and maintains the goodness of natural nuts, whilst avoiding unnecessary calories and added fats.
If you are planning a girls' (or boys) night in, why not try a Fairtrade banana or coconut flavoured beer at just £2.10 a bottle? Mongozo is the trade name for these exotic beers and it is available in three scrumptious flavours; banana, coconut and Mongozo.
Or perhaps some gorgeous Fairtrade flowers – a perfect gift for your Valentine to show what a big heart (and conscience) you have. If you are looking for a modern twist on the traditional red roses for Valentine’s, this year, perhaps try pink, orange or yellow roses instead. They can be delivered anywhere in the UK within two working days and include a personal message - or perfect for Mother's Day.
This year is the 25th anniversary of Fairtrade goods being sold in Europe – a key region which represents 60- 70% of the Fairtrade market. Fairtrade products are produced largely in Africa (26%), followed by Asia (40%) and Latin America (34%)*.
Fairtrade means that suppliers in these regions are paid a fair price for their produce.Stocking over 3,000 ethical products and with the widest available range of quality Fairtrade products available on the web, why not visit www.ethicalsuperstore.com for more ideas? They investigate the ethical credentials of all the brands they stock, making it easy for you to buy what you believe in.
It's Fairtrade Fortnight from 25 Feb–9 March - and to celebrate, you can buy Fairtrade from www.ethicalsuperstore.com
Scrummy products include: Liberation Nuts; an equal mixture of oven-baked peanuts and cashews nuts which come in four varieties; Lemon & Chilli, Lightly Salted, Natural and Smoked. The nuts are oven baked which increases the flavour and maintains the goodness of natural nuts, whilst avoiding unnecessary calories and added fats.
If you are planning a girls' (or boys) night in, why not try a Fairtrade banana or coconut flavoured beer at just £2.10 a bottle? Mongozo is the trade name for these exotic beers and it is available in three scrumptious flavours; banana, coconut and Mongozo.
Or perhaps some gorgeous Fairtrade flowers – a perfect gift for your Valentine to show what a big heart (and conscience) you have. If you are looking for a modern twist on the traditional red roses for Valentine’s, this year, perhaps try pink, orange or yellow roses instead. They can be delivered anywhere in the UK within two working days and include a personal message - or perfect for Mother's Day.
This year is the 25th anniversary of Fairtrade goods being sold in Europe – a key region which represents 60- 70% of the Fairtrade market. Fairtrade products are produced largely in Africa (26%), followed by Asia (40%) and Latin America (34%)*.
Fairtrade means that suppliers in these regions are paid a fair price for their produce.Stocking over 3,000 ethical products and with the widest available range of quality Fairtrade products available on the web, why not visit www.ethicalsuperstore.com for more ideas? They investigate the ethical credentials of all the brands they stock, making it easy for you to buy what you believe in.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Employees across the UK are switching off their emails and wearing slippers to work on Friday 1st February to support Samaritans Stress Down Day.
The emotional support charity is bringing seasonal relief to busy workers and raising awareness of the detrimental effects of stress on people’s health.
With over 80% of workers saying they would rather phone in sick with flu or another problem rather than admit they were stressed. Samaritans’ ambassador Graham Norton is encouraging people to speak out about work pressures and take better care of their emotional health this February.
Graham Norton said:
“I did work with a nightmare boss once who everyone hated but the frightening moment now is when you realise ‘Oh my gosh, I am the boss! I am the one they go home and complain about!
“It is very important that there is a service like Samaritans out there, somebody people can turn to when things are really bleak and can’t manage to put things in perspective for themselves. It’s fantastic that no matter what time of day or night it is, there is someone to bounce off and assure you that this stressful time will pass.”
“I have had disasters at work and crazy interviews, but if they are funny we end up keeping them in the show to make people laugh.”
Employees are getting involved in the day by swapping stilettos for slippers, selling detoxing smoothies in the office, sponsoring colleagues to turn emails off for a couple of peaceful hours and creating a chill out zone for people to hire out throughout the day.
Companies involved in the day include Royal Mail, BUPA, Dorset Cereals, Neal’s Yard Remedies, Motorola, Taylor’s of Harrogate, Topshop, First Direct, Lloyd’s of London, Trader Media Group, RBC Dexia, Royal London, Allianz Insurance and WPA.
Join celebrity supporters Graham Norton, Stephen Fry, Trisha Goddard, Supernanny, rugby international Josh Lewsey and John Humphrys for the ultimate dress down Friday relaxation and exclusive Stress Down Day monster slippers by logging on to www.stressdownday.org and help Samaritans’ 16,800 volunteers continue to answer the 4.8 million contacts received every year, one call every six seconds.
Samaritans’ supporters Neal’s Yard Remedies are helping people to beat the January blues by selling a De-Stress Kit, Harmony Gift Box and life coaching guide, ’52 Ways To Change Your Life’ in their 30 UK stores and donating 10% of profits, on these products, to Samaritans. In-store staff are qualified in natural medicine, providing remedy pick-me-ups from aromatherapy to nutritional supplements.
Employees across the UK are switching off their emails and wearing slippers to work on Friday 1st February to support Samaritans Stress Down Day.
The emotional support charity is bringing seasonal relief to busy workers and raising awareness of the detrimental effects of stress on people’s health.
With over 80% of workers saying they would rather phone in sick with flu or another problem rather than admit they were stressed. Samaritans’ ambassador Graham Norton is encouraging people to speak out about work pressures and take better care of their emotional health this February.
Graham Norton said:
“I did work with a nightmare boss once who everyone hated but the frightening moment now is when you realise ‘Oh my gosh, I am the boss! I am the one they go home and complain about!
“It is very important that there is a service like Samaritans out there, somebody people can turn to when things are really bleak and can’t manage to put things in perspective for themselves. It’s fantastic that no matter what time of day or night it is, there is someone to bounce off and assure you that this stressful time will pass.”
“I have had disasters at work and crazy interviews, but if they are funny we end up keeping them in the show to make people laugh.”
Employees are getting involved in the day by swapping stilettos for slippers, selling detoxing smoothies in the office, sponsoring colleagues to turn emails off for a couple of peaceful hours and creating a chill out zone for people to hire out throughout the day.
Companies involved in the day include Royal Mail, BUPA, Dorset Cereals, Neal’s Yard Remedies, Motorola, Taylor’s of Harrogate, Topshop, First Direct, Lloyd’s of London, Trader Media Group, RBC Dexia, Royal London, Allianz Insurance and WPA.
Join celebrity supporters Graham Norton, Stephen Fry, Trisha Goddard, Supernanny, rugby international Josh Lewsey and John Humphrys for the ultimate dress down Friday relaxation and exclusive Stress Down Day monster slippers by logging on to www.stressdownday.org and help Samaritans’ 16,800 volunteers continue to answer the 4.8 million contacts received every year, one call every six seconds.
Samaritans’ supporters Neal’s Yard Remedies are helping people to beat the January blues by selling a De-Stress Kit, Harmony Gift Box and life coaching guide, ’52 Ways To Change Your Life’ in their 30 UK stores and donating 10% of profits, on these products, to Samaritans. In-store staff are qualified in natural medicine, providing remedy pick-me-ups from aromatherapy to nutritional supplements.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
How's this for a heart warming love story?
When Anna Kozlov caught sight of the elderly man clambering out of a car in her home village of Borovlyanka in Siberia, she stopped dead in her tracks, convinced her eyes were playing tricks.
There, in front of her, was Boris, the man she had fallen in love with and married 60 years earlier.
The last time she had seen him was three days after their wedding, when she kissed him goodbye and sent him off to rejoin his Red Army unit. By the time he returned, Anna was gone, sent into internal exile with the rest of her family by Stalin.
More than half a century later, an amazing coincidence found them both in their home village on the same day.
“I thought my eyes were playing games with me,” Anna said. “I saw this familiar looking man approaching me, his eyes gazing at me. My heart jumped. I knew it was him. I was crying with joy.”
Both had remarried in the sixty years since their wedding. In time, their respective spouses died. With the demise of the Soviet Union, Anna was once more able to travel home. Then came the chance reunion.
“I felt the same when we met last year,” Boris said. “I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Yes I had loved other women when we were separated. But she was the true love of my life.”
Full story...
When Anna Kozlov caught sight of the elderly man clambering out of a car in her home village of Borovlyanka in Siberia, she stopped dead in her tracks, convinced her eyes were playing tricks.
There, in front of her, was Boris, the man she had fallen in love with and married 60 years earlier.
The last time she had seen him was three days after their wedding, when she kissed him goodbye and sent him off to rejoin his Red Army unit. By the time he returned, Anna was gone, sent into internal exile with the rest of her family by Stalin.
More than half a century later, an amazing coincidence found them both in their home village on the same day.
“I thought my eyes were playing games with me,” Anna said. “I saw this familiar looking man approaching me, his eyes gazing at me. My heart jumped. I knew it was him. I was crying with joy.”
Both had remarried in the sixty years since their wedding. In time, their respective spouses died. With the demise of the Soviet Union, Anna was once more able to travel home. Then came the chance reunion.
“I felt the same when we met last year,” Boris said. “I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Yes I had loved other women when we were separated. But she was the true love of my life.”
Full story...
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Whether you’re a party animal with a penchant for killer heels or a sun goddess with more sandals than Sienna Miller, you could win a pair of fab new shoes with Shoe Lagoon...
Apparently,less than a fifth of women rate their tootsies, so designer boutique Shoe Lagoon is launching a new campaign help revitalise our love for our feet, starting with its hunt for ‘The feet of Shoe Lagoon’.
In true designer-guru style, Shoe Lagoon is launching a modelling competition to find not just a pretty face, but someone with gorgeous legs, stunning toes and beautiful feet to become “The feet of Shoe Lagoon”. Now, I wouldn't be in the running for this one...my feet are what you might call 'working feet' - but there must be someone out there with delicate little toes?
The competition will be judged by three highly experienced industry professionals;
Umbar Shakir –an International Fashion photographer,
Denise Brown a Celebrity Fashion Stylist and
Diana Hickox who is already a successful hand and foot model.
Exquisite shoes are essential in the daily life of “The feet of Shoe Lagoon” and the lucky winner will be given a pair of handcrafted shoes, and 2 pairs of Smart Heels to keep the shoes protected.
The winner also gets a professional photo shoot and the opportunity to select five shots to take home to show off to friends and family.
And in true beauty-queen style, Jennifer Dalcie Designs will hand-make a stunning tiara for the winner.
If the exclusive title of “The feet of Shoe Lagoon 2008” hasn’t already got you rushing out for a pedicure, the winner may also be invited to any of Shoe Lagoon’s exclusive events, including sample sales and fashion shows where they may be asked to make special guest appearances.
Finally... to help the winner unwind after all that excitement, a relaxing candle basket will be provided courtesy of London candle retailer Sentelle, and gifts from Nakai will include a £50 bracelet, and a coco baby vest.
Two runners up will receive a 25% discount on any purchase from Shoe Lagoon’s exclusive boutique, and a beautiful jewelled headband by Jennifer Dalcie Designs.
So what are you waiting for? Put your best foot forward and enter the Shoe Lagoon competition today at http://www.shoelagoon.com/.
Saturday, January 05, 2008

Want to know how to win a makeover shopping session in London with the lovely Gok Wan - and £500 of clothes?
Channel 4 are looking for men and women in need of a makeover, Has your style become sad and outdated? Are you in need of Gok’s amazing makeover skills?
If your clothes are letting you down and your potential is hidden as you just don’t know how to dress your assets best, just tell us in no more than 20 words why you should win a makeover with Gok. A shortlist of 20 of the most deserving and interesting entries will be selected by a judging panel from channel 4 and specsavers and the lucky winner will be selected by Gok Wan himself...
Friday, January 04, 2008
How's this for positive thinking?
A 102-year-old Southampton man is set to emigrate to New Zealand. Eric King-Turner will become the oldest Brit to emigrate when he sets sail tomorrow, January 5.
He's travelling from Southampton , on a six week trip with his Kiwi wife Doris, 87, to start a new life 12,000 miles away.
Retired dentist Eric, who will turn 103 weeks after they arrive, said it's not about making history - he doesn't want to be in the Guinness Book of Records.
"What's important is that when I'm 105 I don't want to be thinking, 'I wish I'd moved to the other side of the world when I was 102'."
The pair, both widowed, married 13 years ago after meeting in the 1970s while tracing family. They lived in Titchfield, Hants, but mum-of-five Doris kept a home in Nelson on the South Island.
Eric said: "It's not so crowded and the weather's better. It's a wonderful adventure."
Good luck to them both!
A 102-year-old Southampton man is set to emigrate to New Zealand. Eric King-Turner will become the oldest Brit to emigrate when he sets sail tomorrow, January 5.
He's travelling from Southampton , on a six week trip with his Kiwi wife Doris, 87, to start a new life 12,000 miles away.
Retired dentist Eric, who will turn 103 weeks after they arrive, said it's not about making history - he doesn't want to be in the Guinness Book of Records.
"What's important is that when I'm 105 I don't want to be thinking, 'I wish I'd moved to the other side of the world when I was 102'."
The pair, both widowed, married 13 years ago after meeting in the 1970s while tracing family. They lived in Titchfield, Hants, but mum-of-five Doris kept a home in Nelson on the South Island.
Eric said: "It's not so crowded and the weather's better. It's a wonderful adventure."
Good luck to them both!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
I hope you had an absolutely brilliant Christmas and I wish you an even better new year! Why not start 2008 how you mean to go on and join the New Year Revolution? Part one, with great advice from Suzy greaves about how to live your life as if you had already achieved your goals, is already online for your delectation, and you can sign up for daily updates at
I thought I'd also share some great advice that I've been sent from the authours of The Secret. The book was a massive hit in 2007, and it's managed to get something of a cult following. Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not, it's still a cute book and one of those little books that you can just dip into every now and again to make you think about how positive attitude can really shift your life into gear!
Here's the message..
"How do I stop my negative thoughts?" - is a question that I have been asked many times. If you have ever asked this question then you will feel such enormous relief in knowing the answer, because it is so simple. How do you stop negative thoughts? You plant good thoughts!
When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are focusing on what you don't want - negative thoughts - and you will attract an abundance of them. They can never disappear if you are focused on them. The "stop" part is irrelevant - the negative thoughts are your focus. It doesn't matter if you are trying to stop negative thoughts or control them or push them away, the result is the same. Your focus is on negative thoughts, and by the law of attraction you are inviting more of them to you.
The truth is always simple and it is always easy. To stop negative thoughts, just plant good thoughts! Deliberately plant good thoughts! You plant good thoughts by making it a daily practice to appreciate all the things in your day.
Appreciate your health, your car, your home, your family, your job, your friends, your surroundings, your meals, your pets, and the magnificent beauty of the day. Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. Every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract.
So don't give any attention to negative thoughts. Don't worry about them. If any come, make light of them, shrug them off, and let them be your reminder to deliberately think more good thoughts now.
The more good thoughts you can plant in a day, the faster your life will be utterly transformed into all good. If you spend only one day speaking of good things and saying "Thank you" at every single opportunity, you will not believe your tomorrow. Deliberately thinking good thoughts is exactly like planting seeds. As you think good thoughts you are planting good seeds inside you, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise. How will the garden of paradise appear? As your life!
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret...
I hope you had an absolutely brilliant Christmas and I wish you an even better new year! Why not start 2008 how you mean to go on and join the New Year Revolution? Part one, with great advice from Suzy greaves about how to live your life as if you had already achieved your goals, is already online for your delectation, and you can sign up for daily updates at
I thought I'd also share some great advice that I've been sent from the authours of The Secret. The book was a massive hit in 2007, and it's managed to get something of a cult following. Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not, it's still a cute book and one of those little books that you can just dip into every now and again to make you think about how positive attitude can really shift your life into gear!
Here's the message..
"How do I stop my negative thoughts?" - is a question that I have been asked many times. If you have ever asked this question then you will feel such enormous relief in knowing the answer, because it is so simple. How do you stop negative thoughts? You plant good thoughts!
When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are focusing on what you don't want - negative thoughts - and you will attract an abundance of them. They can never disappear if you are focused on them. The "stop" part is irrelevant - the negative thoughts are your focus. It doesn't matter if you are trying to stop negative thoughts or control them or push them away, the result is the same. Your focus is on negative thoughts, and by the law of attraction you are inviting more of them to you.
The truth is always simple and it is always easy. To stop negative thoughts, just plant good thoughts! Deliberately plant good thoughts! You plant good thoughts by making it a daily practice to appreciate all the things in your day.
Appreciate your health, your car, your home, your family, your job, your friends, your surroundings, your meals, your pets, and the magnificent beauty of the day. Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. Every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract.
So don't give any attention to negative thoughts. Don't worry about them. If any come, make light of them, shrug them off, and let them be your reminder to deliberately think more good thoughts now.
The more good thoughts you can plant in a day, the faster your life will be utterly transformed into all good. If you spend only one day speaking of good things and saying "Thank you" at every single opportunity, you will not believe your tomorrow. Deliberately thinking good thoughts is exactly like planting seeds. As you think good thoughts you are planting good seeds inside you, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise. How will the garden of paradise appear? As your life!
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret...
positive thinking,
relentlessly positive,
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